Adventurers by day. Epicureans by night.

Event Description
While it’s true that in the U.S. we celebrate presidents, not kings and queens, there is nothing that says one can’t be treated like a royal. That’s precisely what you can expect at WinterFest at the green o over the long February weekend. Imagine: Three days of winter-themed meals created especially for you by some of the country’s most illustrious chefs. Of course, here, culinary adventures are a mere warmup for invigorating wintry fun that waits just beyond your door, including snowmobiling and dogsledding. Or perhaps a game or two of curling or broom hockey is more your style. It’s a lot to think about for a visiting dignitary such as yourself. But with your toes by the fire and after a winter cocktail or two poured by the legendary folks from Montana’s Spotted Bear Spirits, we’re confident you’ll figure it out.
Event Details
Highlights & Features
- access to The Resort at Paws Up workshops and programming
- prepaid $400 activity credit per guest